It’s fucked up. I swear I do not make this shit up but it feels fucked up. No offence. It’s not you guys (KMBians). It’s just the place. AND. And I do not just blame the busy life of IB for it. Everything. Everything. I’m blaming every little thing that I screwed up. Well, perhaps anyone who screwed it up for me too.
A day earlier. It feels kinda nice, though. Alone in the block. I can do the naked itsy bitsy thingy. You know, running around without a single thread. Hey! It’s a free college! (Yeah, free, alright………………..
Anyhow, things that I should get excited for this sem is..
Ma cherie’s in the same college. I’ll be seeing her =D. Well, not that I have not been seeing her for long =p.
Other than that.. Herm.. Lemme see…
2nd Sem’s result? Oh no. Not excited. Fuck..
EE? Thank God I am able to do literature.
Interviews. MOCK or whatever-youcallit.
I’m a self-loather..
Oh yeah, Revenge Of The Fallen!?
Shit, that doesn’t count does it?
Because it’s
Typo. Sorry.
Come to think about it, I don’t hate this place. Well, I don’t. But there’s just something about it that really hurting me in the crotch.
Come to think about it, I don’t hate this place. Well, I don’t. But there’s just something about it that really hurting me in the crotch.
You’re gonna be okay, Manul.
Whosoever mess with me, I’ll cut your balls, mash ‘em, boil ‘em, fry ‘em and feed ‘em to the lazy fatso guard who owes people lotsa money. He also claims that he saw 'pocong'. Pocong my ass.
Oh and please stop listening to Jonas Brothers. It makes our generation viewed as fags. Seriously. You’re better well listening to Elton John or George Michael. Well, Elton John’s kinda nice. Fuckyou I’m straight.