Tuesday, October 12, 2010
100th Post
Monday, September 13, 2010
Eid ul-Fitr' al-Mubarak
Monday, August 30, 2010
So enough fagginess. Let's be serious.
I'm sure we've heard it all before on the best race in the world.
Kaum apa terhebat di dunia? Kaum pertama sekali yang terlintas di fikiran mestilah kaum...
YAHUDI. The jews. They're awesome. Indubitably.
Walau bagaimanapun, ada satu kaum ni yang men-falsify-kan dan denied the statement.
Kaum ini beranggapan merekalah terhebat. Hakikatnya memang mereka memang terhebat pun. Saya pasti tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, pakcik and all the pakciks would love to know kaum apakah sebenarnya? Saya dengar mereka panggil kaum tersebut Meleis. Meleis usually boleh didapati di banyak negara di seantero dunia ini. Dekat UK belambak, dekat Africa pon ada, dekat China ada dua tiga kerat, dekat Australia dah macam buat negara sendiri. Mereka memiliki sungguh banyak keistimewaan antaranya adalah memiliki bahasa mereka yang tersendiri dan pernah menjadi lingua franca.
So these Meleis they are brilliant. Lagi hebat dari Jews. Mereka sering kali distereotypekan dengan ability untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah dengan mudah! Simple solution to any problem. Lemparlah masalah apa-apa sekalipun namun mereka mampu menanganinya dengan cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.
Kalau nak comment pasal Meleis ni, boleh buat thesis yang panjang lebar dan silap tak silap, mampu menang Nobel Prize untuk new discovery on human behaviour! Jadi saya taknak memanjangkan post ini.
Apa yang menyentuh hati saya yang taklah seberapa wangi ini (hati busuk) adalah kehebatan Meleis dalam berniaga. Semenjak dua menjak ini, saya kena drive ke sini dan ke sana atas pelbagai urusan. Meleis memang gemar meraba-neking (rubberneckin') dan ia telah menjadi satu stereotype kepada mereka. So, saya merayu kepada mereka yang drive di luar sana tu, tolonglah bawak elok elok sikit sebab kalau awak orang accident, Meleis pasti dan confirm akan meraba-neking dan menyusahkan kesejahteraan saya dan rakan-rakan saya di jalan raya.
Yang acap kali menaikkan darah saya adalah Bazaar Ramadhan. Meleis gemar untuk ke Bazaar Ramadhan dan saya suka perkara sebegitu kerana dapat membantu peniaga, merapatkan ukhwah antara sahabat atau keluarga dan juga mencari juadah berbuka yang enak. Namun, perkara-perkara tersebut telah dibayangi oleh satu perkara yang sering kali menyebabkan keradangan emosi iaitu kemangkukan beberapa Meleis memilih tempat berniaga dan meletakkan kenderaan.
Dah taw jalan kecik, pegi buat Bazaar kiri kanan. Meleis yang pandai dia parking je. Double park, triple park. Cuba bayangkan kalau Meleis tu double park, then Meleis yang parking dalam tu isteri dia sakit ke, mak dia nazak ke, tak ke menyusahkan? Tak perlu consider org lain sebab mereka hebat dari orang lain. Ramai Meleis memang ada trait sebegitu. So jalan yg ada satu lane untuk pergi dan balik jadilah 1 lane sahaja, maka bila selisih kereta boleh membawa kepada pertumpahan darah. Cakap pandai, taknak ada perselisihan faham antara kaum dan sebagainya tapi Meleis dengan Meleis pon tak in the same wavelength. Kan senang pergi cari tapak yang luas macam parking lot ke, buatlah kau Bazaar tengah-tengah tu. Takda sapa nak kacau.
Jangan salah faham, I have nothing againts Meleis ni. Mereka memang bijak, pandai, arif, etc. tapi janganlah inconsiderate sangat.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Here I stand erected!
To all the gentlefaggots out there, don't lie to me as if you do not know what I'll talk about. You and I know it damn well.
Guys, have you ever had those times in class when you stayed up the previous night watching your supporting team in EPL? You've tried so hard to defy gravity pulling on your head and to concentrate on the guy with moustache talking in front.
I am 110% sure that in this scenario, if I'm lying, I'm dying, that your little pee pee (I'm sure yours ain't that big) is working its way to get some air out of your brief. Yes, I am talking about a friggin' ERECTION. I have been observing this for quite some time (about 3 years), no, don't worry guys, I do not check on your erection. The only penis harmed in this experiment is mine. So due to this observation I am proud to present you a proposed Research Question entitled:
This is an extra information for the girls out there, guys get hard-on in the morning when they wake up. Due to the googling ability, I've concluded a few reason why.
1. The penis may be rubbing againts the sleepwear or the bedsheet (if you're sleeping naked).
2. You may be in the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase of sleeping. During REM sleep, we have a tendency to experience a vivid dream with little movement. Thus, both female and male genital will experience full genital engorgement (to ensure healthy blood flow on genitals).
3. The need of urinating in sleep could send impulses to the brain and may caused
misintepretation of the brain to a signal that arouses the penis.
So, with respect to above, I have constructed some reasoning why do OUR (I know it's not just me, and if you don't have the same problem that means you're erectile dysfunctional) penis erects during being sleepy.
Note that guys have erection not just because they are aroused by the girl's charm. No it does not work on most of us, including me. No I am not lying. Also, if you happened to be alluring in front of us and we didn't react the way you wanted, that doesn't mean we are faggots. We just don't care.
Back to the subject matter, erection may promotes sleepiness. As we are sleepy, we experience erection, thus, the erection will work like a positive feedback mechanism having to increase the level of sleepines. This is for the reason that erection of the penis occurs by having the penis blood vessels pumping with maximum amount of blood. It's muscle miracle tremendously work with the force of blood! As the rich in oxygen blood is pumping in the penis region, less oxygenated blood will flow to the brain due to the difference in location. Thus, less oxygenated blood to the brain will increase the oxygen demand of the brain and causes sleepiness.
What stays a mystery is to undo the erection so that more oxygen may be supplied to the brain. Urban myths said that you would need to knock on your knee cap rapidly. I've tried and it doesn't work. Some said think of homeless people but the brain is too slow to picture such. Extremist would put minyak cap kapak on their As-Syafah or worst, sticking it with a friggin pencil! Plus, having erection is not at all convenience as we need to cover them from girls and there's never a bigger size brief ;)
"And pretty soon all my trouble will pass 'cause I'm in su-su-su-su-su-su-su-su-su-su-sugartown"
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Force
So what did I do the whole night? Oh no no. Don't get the funny idea. I wasn't streaming and wanking through Brianna Banks or Audrey Bitoni. Yeah, I know, some of you does. Oh btw, a little detour here:
I was at Starbucks with my mom, then it took quite a long time for my friggin Caramel Macchiato (I bet the barista was too busy doing nothing), so I went for some magazine. From the magazines that they got there I'm sure they purposely want guys to have hard on. Well, you know, some caffeine kicking in and a few 'stimulating' magazines. So I reached for FHM (obviously I chosed the one with the hottest girl on the cover). Then I went back and sat with my mom STILL waiting for my drink (which haven't done yet. Baster barista.). Then I opened up the magazine around the middle page then POOF! came out a two pages of Sasha Grey as the guest of FHM. Then the following conversation took place:
My mom (being a mom): Sapa tu? Artist ke?
Me (nervously): Erm.. Eh, Taklah, Pelakon.
So guys, when you happened to open a magazine and a pornstar suprisingly featured on it, don't act surprised or your mom might reacted the same. Oh and yea, Sasha Grey wasn't that revealing, for her I guess. Go ahead, click that name.
Anyhow, what I did tonight was that I watched Evan Almighty and also The Bucket's List. Well, I gotta get my mind off something so why not hit on some inspirational movies, huh? The Bucket's List moved me. Seriously. Seriously. It did took me someplace for a while. Made me rethink about life and the whole purpose, you know, those re-ass-ess things. Then again, in the end I still can't get a nice shut eye. I encountered this a few times like when I'm going out late at night and I don't feel like going back early, or when you're playing a nice online game, or when you just out having sex, or when you're hanging with some friends without worrying a shit about the world, or just a decent conversation on the phone with your girlfriend. The stuff that made you feel something is undone, you just can't sleep yet (doing assignments are excluded). Oh and I made up the sex part. Never had them. Seriously. Seriously.
Then I thought maybe it's the Nifsu Syaaban. It's 15th of Syaaban and it is said that on this night, the Muslims believe that the angels (Malaikat) would bring up our deeds book and bring down a new one for a new chapter. I guess I was just nervous how my last call for the year might end up but hey, whadya know, a new book is coming down now. Or has came. Ntah.
So refused to hit the blanky, I went down to munch a mini Cornetto. Fine, I lied. I had six of em. Poured some rootbeer in the rebellious stomach while tuning in to Simpsons. Then a couple of few shows.
Then I thought, what really made my mind conspicuously active tonight? Then I realised, perhaps maybe I am not conversing with anyone. When I am not conversing with anyone, I feel lonely. When I'm lonely I might be missing stuff or people or someone. Then it occured to me that I do need help.
"A princess can kiss a toad"
"Toad, frog, lobster, they're all the same"
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Highly Faggy
So I decided to do what I was supposed to do the last 2 weeks. Get my life sorted out. See! Doesn't that makes me sound like a fag? SO, I started with something small. I rearranged my room and keep some old stuff into boxes.
That is when I stumbled upon my bad habit. You see, There was this time when my college had an event of teachers visiting students' room to know them by nature or what-some-shit. So there was this one English teacher who went into my room. Then she was suprised with the things I had in my room. Apparently, I have too many junks that I kept. So she said,"Manul, I can tell that you have a very high affinity towards something and that you just can't let things go easily. Learn to let go". The she kept on jabbering about forgetting the past and so on. Back then I realised, she was totally right. I have problems with letting things go.
So back to the story that I was rearranging my room, I stumbled upon many things that I never knew I had but all of them meant something to me. Stacks of movie tickets, cards, photos, some IPTA offer packages, wrappers of presents from high school even to the smallest part of papers with writing from my friends. I really have a problem of letting go, I do. I guess that maybe I have the tendency to live in the past and forever regret any wrong turns that I've made. I really think I need help.
The climax of sorting out was when I found this one box. It meant a lot to me (gosh, stop being a fag!). It was the box of my DSLR Nikon D40x kit. For those that don't know, my DSLR was stolen together with some other valuables when my house got broke in last time in Melawati.
Then it came to me, was it the DSLR that gives me this crappy feelings when I'm holding the box or was it something else that I've lost?
This is a very dissapointment post as it is so intensely emotional and there is no nudity, which is something like Twilight: Saga.
Dear IB students, we all know the ToK issue that had been befallen upon us, eh? Well I would like to apologize if such problem was from the likes of me. Oh no, not my fault? Okay, so here how it goes. There was this idiotic compulsive individual whom blame the ToK issue was the fault of those whom had been accused of malpractice. Nice way of putting it, huh? Dude, don't let me slap you with my dick.
So, World Cup! Ain't too late to talk about it? Kudos to the Spaniards for winning the cup of life, heck, kudos to them on the effort that roll 'em into the final for the first time. Torres and Villa upfront, Xabi and Iniesta playmaking in the middle, Puyol and Pique at the back and Casillas stood in awareness. I was rooting for Espana all along as I gave up on Italy due to their aging squad, inexperienced newcomers, and Buffon's injury. It was great football on the final, eh? Oranje and Espana. However, I think the highlight was on the FIFA-listed referee, Howard Webb which some would rather call him a douchebag.
Oh yeah, have I mentioned to you that I missed my opportunity to study medicine in Ireland? Yup, I was on scholarship and I didn't make the cut. Tough luck. Currently, I'm waiting for local offers. Pray for me will yea?
Congratulation to those whom succeed. You have my respect. For those whom didn't make it, no no, things do not happened for reason and those shit. They're just telling you that to make you feel better but you're dumb enough to fell for it, kinda like a euphemism of life. Let me break it down to you. NO SHIT, things do not happened for reason. YOU put the efforts in to make it happened. Your previous effort was dimshit. Punch in more, will yea? You don't wanna be alleged butt-fucking twice dontcha? Do you think things happened for reason to him?
Ladies and gentlefaggots, enough about me, so what about you? How's life treating you? :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Planet Hoth
Then comes the morning drive, heading to Kuantan. Do you know that a homo sapient called Manul was born in Kuantan? Yes, it was my birthplace.
And so I cruise along the empty road and reached Kuantan. However, I find its hard to call back my memory of the place where my mom and my sisters managed to. Well, it can't be because of my childhood issue (not that I have any) but perhaps due to my weak and jaded mind. Or just maybe, ignorant.
My apology to my peers in Kuantan for not contacting you guys but act upon an agreement that it was a family time.
So there were Mc Donald's breakfast at the beach, filling up the shopping cart and watching Shrek 3D. I was kinda amused when in the movie, the song from Carpenters came up (Top Of The World) and the sound of Stevie Wonder's young voice assisting the cast at the end of the movie.
The journey back were mostly pee pee and pee. I had too much drinks. Oh, and its nothing big but I saw a dead man on the road. Yes, there was an accident and the man died. Well, I just know it because he was covered by somewhat of cloth by his friends whereby the police are nowhere to be seen YET.
Looking forward for the Langkawi trip :). Hope things will go smoooooothly.
p/s: i fucking i hate the radio for playing the same song over and over again. that is why i do not listen to the radio.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Pick Up The Pieces
My blog and my Facebook had been untouched for almost half a year.
Apart from eradicating child labour in poverty stricken country, what happened for the pass 6 months had quite been a disaster, but it ain't that bad as there are still spaces for happiness.
IB had been a bitch of course. When i thought my 2 years of misery had come to an end, my intention of shouting the lame phrases "It's done" or "Freedom" or "Would you smell that? It's the smell of freedom" after my last paper (Statistics) was pilfered from this weary and jaded body and soul :(
Dreadful. I was accused of malpractice of an assignment that had been assigned, SIX months ago. It is merely because a few lines of GENERAL IDEA had been unquoted. And so I had to explained to IBO that it had all been a silly mistake that i took for granted and please just give my frigin' diploma and just go back and do whatcha hafta do...
I had also found a new discovery that social skills could be inversely proportional over time if it left stagnant. I realized that my social skills remained stagnant in a very (by very, i mean VERY) confined space. Now, i admit of such disorder called Selective Mutism.
So, the EPL has ended and we all are making room for the World Cup. The Kop doesn't ends top 4 like what Rafa would had promised us. Liverpool had lost Aurelio recently and rumors said that it'll be soon Torres and Benayoun. OH and kudos to Chelsea for the championship in EPL and kudos to Inter for having their name carved on the Champion's League trophy for over 45 years now. As of the World Cup, my current team The Azzuris had shown some signs of aging and I might had lost hope in them. So the Spaniard might wanna make a room for a fan to squeeze in. Then again, it is to be think over. Yes, such matter is serious. The Italians don't tolerate treachery.
Apart from that, now that I have more time in my life as i would not need to read academic books and do maths, I shall fill my time with tonnes of things that I had wish to do.
Watch and watch and watch. Catch all of the latest movie, watch Gigs and Gigs of movies in my hard disk, and new muse: The Big Bang Theory.
Read, read and read. Catch up with all the books that I had been holding myself back from reading. Current: Animal Farm by George Orwell.
Play and play and play. Defense of The Ancients, Modern Warfare II, replay Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy and all the crap that involse joystick and keyboards.
And do some other things.
Personal: My relationship had reached to 4 years the day my IB ends. Urgh. The irony. I pray to God that it'll last more :)
And i had come a thought, that i might soon abolish my blog. Well, I might have some friends whom encountered unwanted occurrence like perhaps being track by overprotective parents or being filed through the police for abusing others or perhaps being questioned by the ISA for metamorphosed Malaysia as Bolenesia. Plus, its not like my blog had eradicated poverty in India, or aid in the found of new cure for HIV, or perhaps halted child working in sweatshops. I shall think of this.
Monday, March 15, 2010
It doesn't even matter.
