Monday, November 30, 2009

PES 2010

And so my Eid Adha was filled by spending time driving 3 days consecutively. Any interesting details will be updated soon ;)

For now, 3RD SEM EXAM!!!

Congratulation to Merseyside Red for the 2-nil win against the Merseyside Blue! No commentary on this one, missed the game thanks to the coming exam for biology prep.


Pro Evolution Soccer 2010, in no doubt. Friggin Superduperly Awesome.
Having all the player in their recent clubs position, it's worth playing rather than watching New Moon (pfft, anything is worth doing than that).
Fav team: Liverpool and Manchester City
No offence, The Gunners suck in the game but you guys still rock in real life unlike ........ :)

Oh yea examination, end your torment soon so I can enjoy nice PES playing with my brother and my cousin.

1 comment:

I won't bite..